Never predictable, always unorthodox.
17 October 2003
As I watch this film, viewing the marvels that flash before my eyes, I wonder what it must be like to be as brilliant as Tarantino is. Literally, 3 opposite emotions are thrown in your face all at once and it takes the rest of the movie to get them off. Some Scenes are so disturbingly sad that you want to burst into tears, but then you remember, you can't, because something gross just happened. Now you want to throw up. But you can't, because that joke that just happened is so funny, you might choke on your puke and die. And that's just one minute. From the moment you walk into the theater and see the opening shot, you realize that this movie has a hold on you, and its not about to let go. Tarantino proves himself as one of the greatest directors the world has seen, making a huge deal about this being his 4th film. Symbolism and metaphors are commonplace in this film, but not in the sense you'd expect. he uses them not as a way to make the audience understand what's happening, but rather, it seems, as entertainment for himself. And what entertains him sure is going to entertain you. Don't expect to leave the cinema feeling good about yourself. The devil inside you will love this movie, and will force you to go back in 2004 to see the conclusion, which, if we're not careful, could end up competing against part one for an Oscar. Who knows? Pulp Fiction got one...
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