Review of Teknolust

Teknolust (2002)
Tilda Swinton! Enough said!
7 January 2004
When I read that this film was going (someday) to be released, I knew that I'd love it. Swinton and Jeremy Davies acting, and Lynn Hershman writing and directing was a sure (for me) winning team.

You get what you expect. I loved Teknolust. I suppose I should change genders. I am a male (or at least I was at last check). Grr. Or should I say Girrly.

For most male Egos in Bushy Amerika this kind of `Fem-Film' is out-of-bounds.

This is a film for anyone who wants a chance to chuckle at the absurdities of modern life. If you don't go see `Master and Commander.'
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