Review of Teknolust

Teknolust (2002)
Plot holes to drive a truck through
30 December 2003
Disclosure - I couldn't finish the movie, I was just too uninterested. This is to dissuade others who might see it for the same reasons I did.)

After reading other's comments, I understand this is supposed to be an art movie (many of the excellent effects wouldn't show up on my small TV and VCR), but the script seems like it was written by a group of stoners saying "Wouldn't it be cool if...".

The script shows a complete lack of understanding of how computers and technology work. How is it that the SRA's can "scan a hard drive" and affect "infected" people miles away? The laws of physics are completely ignored. Rosetta says "anyone could create them (meaning the SRAs)"...exactly how could anyone create fully grown people? Any scene occurring in a lab just made me cringe.

The plot holes aren't just technical, such as the SRAs can affect the stock market and use credit cards, but don't know what money is? I was impressed with Tilda Swinton's acting, however most everyone else was acting at the same level as the script...poorly.

I rented this movie in the hopes on a movie which might challenge the intellect and probe interesting issues in technology & ethics, but instead I was bored and annoyed at how it insulted the audience's intelligence.
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