Kick ass thriller with phenomenal fight scenes
10 July 2001
"Kiss of the Dragon" is a kck ass thriller with phenomenal fight scenes. Jet Li, who seems to be getting better with eaxch film stars as a secret agent on a mission in Paris, when the mission go awry he finds himself suddenly on the run from the french government. Along the way he meets a prostitute played by Bridget Fonda, the two are both on the run from the same people, Li agrees to help Fonda get her daughter back, and that's when the action really kicks in. There are about 6 or 7 major fight scenes in the film, the best sequences come at the end when Li takes on a room full of black belts then a few minutes later takes on two twin arian brothers, this fight is amazing Li manages to hold his own against two opponents and the result is jaw dropping. This ranks up there with Exit Wounds as the best action film of the year, it's the best of the summer, don't miss it.
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