8 July 2002
This was a very well made documentary focusing on the life and the films of the late and masterful, Stanley Kubrick. Everyone from Woody Allen and Nicole Kidman to family members are interviewed throughout this piece, showing how the director was seen by those most involved in his life. The documentary seemed to go chronologically through the more famous works of Kubrick, and stopped to tell tales of Kubrick's perfectionism, his conflict, personal struggles for both the actors and the director, and even unique technological achivements Kubrick made along the way. This documentary taught me quite a bit of things I never knew about Kubrick, one the greatest directors that has ever lived, and stays entertaining while being interesting and informative. If you loved movies like "Eyes Wide Shut," "Full Metal Jacket," "Dr. Strangelove," or "A Clockwork Orange," you're sure to appreciate the behind the scenes looks at not only the set and filming, but at the directors' rollercoaster of a private life as well.
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