Gods with Chaos
20 February 2003
This is a film that had the opportunity to provide those of us who learned American History a few decades ago with a reminder of our past and the struggles in being One Nation, Under God.

Well, this was a LONG and CONFUSING film to watch. Two sides – North and South – both of who looked alike in the filming and who prayed to the same God much like current history between America and Iraq and North Korea. It took two hours of viewing until I was glad that the North army held a flag with stripes, and the South had a different flag from the State of Virginia -- otherwise all those guys (and gals) with Teflon beards in differing stages of growth were indeed confusing.

The cinematic direction with its script is a good example of chaos in acting and orating and editing. Everybody had a speech to make with some apparent anchor in history -- even the black maid did pretty good and even looked dynamite in a white woman's dress. I have always said that about anybody.

What was missing in the story was someone, something that represented continuity of strong character and presence that we felt good about (or bad about). This film had thousands of actors -- and the entire retinue has a fair claim to Best Supporting Actor in next year's Academy Awards nominations for the this film since there are no other categories that qualify in the least bit of rationality.

This film made "Gangs of New York" look good. The presence of all those Irish pipers certainly speaks well of Ireland and their tenacity to invade the American Homeland Security.

A friend actually made the comment that everybody had a speech to make, then he add "Except the horses" to which I spend the next five minutes imitating Mr. Ed (of US early television) lecturing General Robert E. Lee on the virtues of animal rights and its impact on the early American economy.

Having said those mild opinions, I really wanted to exit the theater in grand style at the half-way point, like that person one hour earlier who said, "I've had enough!!" But I did not do that. I did not say my version, "I've had enough!!! And apologize for waking y'all all up!"

I truly miss not knowing who won the war. On that Ted Turner messed up. I suppose I must read a book and find out.
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