Departing from the books makes it a better movie...
31 October 2002
I saw Left Behind before I started reading the books, and at that time I thought it was a pretty good movie. Now that I pretty much know the workings of the books inside and out, I had become pretty much disappointed with Left Behind. At the time I thought it was because they didn't follow the book close enough. I had become so disappointed with the movie I hadn't planned on seeing Trib Force.

Fast forward to tonight, and I went and rented it anyway. At first I was very lost because the opening of Trib Force the movie didn't even come close to the opening of the book, and the pattern followed. You know what? It has actually made it a better movie! The problem with trying to turn a 400 page book into a 2 hour movie is that you can't cover all the details, and when that happens (like it did in Left Behind), you run into problems. I think they fixed this problem in Trib Force by making it stand on its own, giving it its own story line, changing things around. They also cut out the end of the book, presumably to be shown in Left Behind 3. But I think now that the movies have become a work of their own, it works much better. I think Trib Force has actually made Left Behind become a better movie, and I may start collecting the movies as "religiously ;)" as I have the book series.

Ordinarily I would have probably given this a 6, but with the way Trib Force set the tone for the rest of the series and actually made Left Behind a better movie, I give it a 7
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