A bad movie with a disturbing undertone
31 May 2003
Okay, the acting was bad, the writing was horrendous. That's just the good news. The bad news is that this movie fundamentally may be hate propaganda, cloaked as entertainment.

When renting this movie, I was thinking it would be something like The Omen. Not even close. They are both about the coming of the anti-christ, but that's where the similarities end.

The disturbing part of this movie is that it seems to espouse a belief that ridding the world of religious differences and wars is evil. Also they try to make the point that Christianity is the only religion, and to make the point perfectly clear, they get a Jewish rabbi to come out and say it. Talk about going out on a limb. They didn't even mention Muslims in here. This despite the fact that Jews, Christians and Muslims are all believers of the same god (allah is just the arabic word for god, nothing else). We won't even get into Hindus, Buddhists, etc. that would just take too long.
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