The Guardian (2001–2004)
TV for people who don't watch TV
1 October 2002
Simon Baker is Nick Fallin, bull-headed & over-the-top corporate lawyer, who finds a drug conviction sentence of community service to be just another annoying obstacle in his charge toward the top. He violates the terms of probation in almost every episode. Dabney Coleman is his icy, loveless father.

At the risk of TV heresy, The Guardian & The Sopranos share one primary element: endless tension among the regulars. Nick turns his eyes & back whenever pop gets serious.

He's even more contemptuous of his boss @legal services (a "12-step control freak") & an attractive colleague there (Wendy Moniz), with whom he insists he "wanted to spend time": "I thought I made that clear." "You did." Maybe because of his own dreary & aseptic upbringing & because he's so impersonal elsewhere, Nick has become an outstanding children's advocate, encouraging children & their however-abusive or -oblivious parents to stay together, rather than allowing them to get lost in the equally impersonal & govt.-funded maze that is social services.

The Guardian began its 2d season 9/24/02: Nick's left dad's old firm after dad left for judgeship & has got in a hurricane of trouble with drugs, a dead stripper, & his late probation officer. Incredibly, he bores thru these obstacles like a termite thru balsa wood.
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