Review of Signs

Signs (2002)
Uneven but enjoyable
3 August 2004
Signs is somewhat uneven, delivering a well directed, superbly acted and genuinely creepy film that is let down by an ultimately disappointing story.

Signs offers a unique approach (in my experience) to the 'aliens invading' formula of your typical summer blockbuster. It is an intimate, almost claustrophobic story, told using just four central characters while the bulk of the actual 'horror' that is key to the narrative (the invasion itself) unfolds in the outside world and almost totally off-screen. This approach enables Shyamalan to impress in the audience a heightened sense of helplessness for the characters as they are so isolated from the world outside and is a very effective vehicle in telling the personal and emotional side of the story.

Once again Shyamalan's understated style in bringing chilling moments to the screen is the film's biggest highlight. I won't spoil these for you now, but rather than dishing out cheap scares the film does manage on occasion to ooze a satisfying creepy vibe thanks to some great camera work, particularly the lighting, and a good score. Gibson and Phoenix really sell the story with great performances, while their young co-stars are endearing and enjoyable to watch. The girl playing Bo in particular with her disturbed angel character brings again a wonderfully understated yet extremely satisfying performance to the screen.

The story is ultimately a let-down, weak and unsatisfying in its climax with some pretty blatant plot holes and inconsistencies. Still, with some great camera work, performances and a genuinely engaging first half, Signs is worth a rent.
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