Treed Murray (2001)
Like an onion, the movie peels away layer after layer, each stronger and more raw than the one before.
13 September 2001
On Thursday, Septembet 14th, "Treed Murray" premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. I was fortunate enough to be there to watch what is the best Canadian film in years, and one that will be Oscar worthy if Alliance Atlantis carries it in wide release. Canadians will be able to see it in major cities, carried by Odeon Pictures.

A movie has not ever been able to make me feel as tense as I felt while watching "Treed Murray." Perhaps it is because the characters and the story are so real - so plausible. The suspension of disbelief is so strong that one could almost mistake the tale for a dramatic re-enactment of a true event. The actors are all absolutely brilliant, led by stellar performances by David Hewlett (Murray) and Cle Bennett (Shark).

The story, as mentioned in my one-line summary, draws inspiration from classic plays such as "Troylus & Cressida" and "Who's Afraid of Virgina Woolfe?" that deal with hypocrisy and the revealation of people's true nature. Writer/Director William Phillips states that "Twelve Angry Men" also inspired the script, which similarily features a battle of wits and influence between two characters to win the hearts and minds of a group of people. Perhaps the most striking thing about this film is how quickly it is able to shift the viewers' sympathies between characters. You never know who you are rooting for, who you hope will emerge victorious.

I would recommend this movie to anyone and everyone, and urge people to see it if possible. It's brilliant entertainment that's non-standard Holywood fare.
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