Review of BachelorMan

BachelorMan (2003)
I don't know what these other reviewers were smoking...
30 July 2003
...but can I have some?

I scored a screener from a friend, and watched it one night when I had nothing better to do. I guess the movie's not actually awful, but it's about as funny as a sprained ankle. It starts out promisingly enough, with some easy (but still funny) sex jokes, but quickly loses its spirit and just gets dumb.

Deluise is likable enough, and tries his best to work the hammy script, but the troll who played his friend just drags the movie down. (I see here he's a writer/producer on the film, so I guess that explains the casting.) The actress who plays Heather (recognized her from Galaxy Quest) is sexy and intriguing, but isn't given much of a character to develop. Which, I suppose, is typical of the way this movie sees women. The casting of the network suits was decent though, and I appreciated the attempts to mix up the usual romantic comedy standards with effects and animation, but the movie just falls too flat.

I have to wonder, having seen this with my own eyes: Were the other people reviewing this movie just really lacking in critical skills, or do they have some sort of vested interest in stirring up interest in this movie?

Either way, I give this a thumbs down. 1 and a half stars out of five. I recommend the Tao of Steve for people looking for a funny indie comedy about relationships.
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