Barbershop (2002)
Awww man, this was so damn funny.
25 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
(May contain slight spoilers)

My goodness, I really enjoyed this movie. It had me laughing from the very beginning. The movie focuses mainly around a barbershop that serves as a sort of open forum where people discuss current or past issues as well as some famous black historical faces. Ice Cube plays the owner of the barbershop. I found Cedric's character Eddie to be very funny because the guy didn't give a damn! He said anything he wanted, when he wanted, in front of who he wanted and about who he wanted to talk about. Eve in one of her major acting roles, she is a very good actress. I could definitely see her doing like a tonne of movies in the future. Troy Garity's character, Isaac, this guy was so black, he had it all, the bad ride, the fine girl with the big rump, all that. This guy Sean Patrick Thomas played, named Jimmy James, wow, one of the most annoying characters I have ever seen in a movie. But the most and biggest highlight of the movie for me was Michael Ealy who played Ricky Nash. As a young woman, I must ask, where did he get those gorgeous eyes?! Every time he came on, I just had to stare, he's so beautiful. I like that the comedy in the movie just kept flowing continuously. This movie also sparked contraversy (I can't spell this word so well, it confuses me) which I couldn't understand. It's fictitious, hello, whomever has a problem, get a life. This movie has a variety of characters and this made the movie worth watching. The members of the cast portrayed their characters very well I think and I must see the second part to this movie, who knows, there might even be a Barbershop 3. Rating- 9.5/10
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