Identity (2003)
for the most part, I enjoyed it
26 May 2003
"Identity" was one that I had really looked forward to seeing. It looked like a good old-fashioned horror/murder-mystery with a sparkling cast and a perfect backdrop (seedy motel, stormy night) I was in awe after seeing the teaser-trailer once and I knew this was one that I HAD to see. Well, I finally got around to seeing Identity and was it all I hoped for? Well....

Overall, I had a good time with Identity. I adored the set-up, with the first hour bringing the ten-strangers together and making it all seem like it was fate. This movie has NO dull moments whatsoever in its 90 minute running time. From the opening frame, we are given a few pieces of the puzzle, and as time goes on, there are more pieces scattered here and there as we frantically try to put it all together and make sense of the whole thing. For the first hour or so, I was having the time of my life. The mood was perfect, the direction was brilliant, the performances were taught (gotta love John Cusack and Ray Liotta) and I just didn't want it to end. However, when the time came for the killer to be revealed, I felt let down. I don't know if dissapointment would be the right word for it, but after investing the whole movie with these characters, I wanted more of them, and above-all a better explanation. For those who haven't seen it, I won't spoil it. You may even like it. I, however, am indifferent about it. I didn't dislike it, but I wasn't totally satisfied either.

As I mentioned earlier, this movie has a cast to die for (no pun intended) and everyone came through. John Cusack was totally three dimensional as the ex-cop turned chaffeur and Ray Liotta was outstanding (as always) as the cop who's transporting the convicted killer. The underrated Jake Busey did what he could with an underwritten role as the aforementioned killer (please, lets get this guy some more parts) , but John Hawkes was a major standout as the hotel "owner" with a great sense of humor. If this movie had any comedy relief, this guy was it. I love Clea Duvall and I was a little disappointed that she wasn't given more to do than cry and act scared. The big surprise for me was Amanda Peet. I've never been a fan in the past, but here she was exceptional as the hooker with a conscience.

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