This should have been GREAT!!!
29 November 2003
I have NEVER read the comic, but have been told countless times of its brilliance. So, how do you ruin an adaptation? Make "changes" in a narrow-minded attempt to make a bigger buck!

First, let's get rid of their main adversary, Fu Manchu. (Why? Political correctness, I suppose.) And let's write out the ancestor of James, Campion Bond. (If due to copyright problems, understandable. If due to 'saving him for the sequel', stupid.)

Next, let's adapt the Invisible Man's character (due to copyright), and add the characters Dorian Gray and the utterly useless and inappropriate TOM SAWYER to AMERICANIZE the film! (How is it Shane West is STILL ACTING??!!! This portrayal is almost as bad as his faux English accent in 'Get Over It') Don't forget to give Mina Harker blatant vampire powers or she will never make a good action figure!

For those of us that are even moderately well-read, the cherry on this proverbial pile of crap is the line,"Call me Ishmael" delivered with such lack of meaning, other than a cheap chuckle, it's insulting.

If you can somehow look past all of these factors, you might have seen a half-decent effects-laden adventure a la 'The Mummy' or 'X-Men 2'. Give credit to the Jekyll/Hyde use of physical effects. From the looks of it, those were all prosthetics, people; appreciate it for what it is.

Finally, the truest tragedy of this film is that, if it had been good, MAYBE kids would have been interested in reading the original adventures of the great literary characters on which the comic was based!

Do me a favour, find the comic if you can, don't watch the movie. Yet another case of the book being better than the movie...
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