The In-Laws (I) (2003)
Brutally awful
22 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Boring, done a thousand times before. Unbelievably bad. Incredibly stereotypical. Douglas is the hip-CIA agent father who never has time for his son, and Brooks is the square boring foot-doctor father who dotes on his daughter. Every single typical stereotypical attribute is given to each character....(yawn)..... Brooks is scared of heights and airplanes, he never leaves the State, he wears a fanny pack, he is boring and stodgy. Douglas of course, is the complete opposite, suave, able to beat up thugs, knows everything. And do you think there will be any moments in the film when they are both at a great height or in an airplane? And do you think that Michael Douglas will learn to be a better father, or at least figure out that he has been a bad one because he was away on missions all the time? Barf. Gag. Predictable. Don't know if that counts as a spoiler since it is so incredibly obvious.

Everything is moronic about this film. The FBI agents are more incompetent than Boss Hogg, the villains are as nasty as Gumby. The plot is absolutely absurd without being the least bit funny. The movie actually started off with me thinking "This won't be that bad", but that feeling quickly faded. Everything was predictable, nothing was original, everything had already been done 6000 times before.

Rent "Meet the Parents". It is infinitely better and considerably funnier. This one has nothing to praise, nothing at all. It is a remake of a moderately humourous movie from the 70s, but atrociously directed. On top of that, in 2 scenes the boom mikes practically konk Douglas on the head. Couldn't they catch that in the editing room? Fortunately, the movie is only 85 minutes long before the credits start rolling so I managed to get out before going completely insane. I don't think Hollywood is capable of making good comedies any longer. They seem intent of dumbing everything down, going for the lame tried-and-true and done 5000 times boring old dried up jokes. There was some forced laughter in the theatre at the beginning during the Vietnamese restaurant scene, but even that quickly died out. People started leaving before the movie got to the incredibly predictable wedding scene.

Lame. Terrible. A complete waste of time.
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