Review of War Stories

War Stories (2003 TV Movie)
Never underestimate the sheer weirdness of the American television industry.
29 January 2003
This is a sexy, cynical tale about journalists in a war zone trying to uncover the truth as they dodge bombs, gun-toting extremists and a corrupt government intent on using them as spies. Not bad for a pilot episode though I doubt America will receive this series with open arms due to the current war fever spreading in Washington. Still, kudos to NBC for even considering doing a series like this. What is established right off the bat is that there is no truth, just stories. We have a crew of hardened war correspondents, lead by Ben (Jeff Goldblume), who throw themselves into hot zones (and into each other's beds) with wild abandon, tossing off cigarettes and snarky quips at each other as they hunt for the all-elusive scoop. This group includes a newbie photographer who is partnered up with Ben, a foreign-accented spy/source, a beautiful blonde British journalist who sleeps with everyone but Ed Begley Jr., and, well, Ed Begley Jr. I think War Stories has great potential as it addresses the age-old issue of journalistic objectivity with more contemporary arguments and with sexy results. It's a refreshing alternative from the slew of reality-based TV programming spamming our networks.
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