Review of 21 Grams

21 Grams (2003)
Gripping Drama
26 March 2004
I've just read some user reviews, and the term "powerful" is used a lot. While I enjoyed this movie, was gripped to it throughout the film, and was impressed by the acting, I just didn't find it all that "powerful." It's an interesting story, but I wasn't moved to tears or anything like that. In my opinion, "21 Grams" is a solid, intriguing drama.

One of the things that sticks in my mind is how director Alejandro Iñárritu had the story jumping all over the place. Now, I'm not a prude that demands all movie plots be completely linear, but I was puzzled at times on why he did jump around. What exactly was the point of going to the point of the accident where the camera is centered on the yard worker and his leaf blower?

Nevertheless, Mr. Iñárritu still did a fine job. I thought Benicio Del Toro shined the most out of this very talented cast. He definitely deserved the nomination; although, I still prefer Ken Watanabe's performance in "The Last Samurai." Naomi Watts' performance was also stellar and maybe deserved the actual Oscar (although I haven't seen Charlize Theron in "Monster" yet). As for Sean Penn, he did a fine job also, but his performance was more quiet and subtle than the others.

So overall, "21 Grams" is a fine movie and worth seeing. To me, it's not groundbreaking, but other viewers may find otherwise.

My IMDb Rating: 9/10. My Yahoo! Grade: A- (Almost Perfect)
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