Review of Tiptoes

Tiptoes (2002)
A misunderstood American masterpiece.
14 August 2004
It is very rare that I write comments for films anymore, but after witnessing the wonderful Tiptoes, and reading all the negative feedback, I felt inclined.

The movie is never played for laughs, as I originally thought it would be. Instead Tiptoes has got to be the most honest look at the life of dwarfs, I have ever seen. The film examines the serious subject matter of, if you knew your child was going to be a dwarf would you still want to have it? Would you still love it? Gary Oldman (the finest working actor in films today) gives an amazing performance as the title character. His work here should have earned him an Oscar. Yes Gary plays a dwarf, but its an honest performance -- not just a gimmick. Matthew McCognaughey and Kate Beckinsale quite frankly have never been better. Peter Dinklage has got to be given props for turning a nothing role into something special.

I loved this movie. Ignore the bad buzz and enjoy this fine misunderstood American Masterpiece. 10/10
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