23 June 2003
I went in with high expectations on this one, and found myself chortling (not laughing mind you, chortling) a few times; let's just say the dialogue left something to be desired. It just got to the point that I was trying really hard to like this one, given the awesome ensemble cast and what I thought we be a solid plot line.

Alas, this one was as predictable as could be. The only things that were more disturbing than the plot line were the SHAMELESS commercial tie-ins. I mean really. It's fine to tie-in products; I'm not against the concept. But the Italian Job really lacked the subtlety required, as the ads just took away from any of this movie's respectability.

When this film ended I was left with a bad taste in my mouth. And do you know what could get rid of that bad taste? You guessed it! A cool, refreshing Pepsi Blue.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything, but since the Mini Cooper was such a central part of this movie, do you think that BMW had a hand in the script? Duh-Dum-Dah-Da!
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