Madame Satã (2002)
'tis a pity she was a whore
15 November 2002
a perfectly mediocre, expendable picture about an old Lapa character. Lapa, FYI used to be the bohemian district par excellenceof Rio de Janeiro from the 20s through the 50s. This film takes place in 1932. The protagonist is a malandro (scally-wag) who was born in 1900 and died in 1976. He was sentenced twice. the second time for a first-degree murder. Although the cast is fine and energetic, there was no reason to invest in this kind of soft-core homo porn, with lots of tongues, sweat & pricks. I, for one, definitely do not see homosexualisty as an avant-garde attitude in principle. Satan was a poor misfit, but also a violent hooligan and a cowardly assassin, as this film, based on his own autobiography, actually shows . Indeed the film's success proves how low are current standards of undemanding movie audiences ... This is amateur filmmaking, badly scripted, poorly filmed (lots of socked closes & absence of tripods). The ocasional soundtracks compensates a little for that. We hear a vintage, lovely duo by Francisco Alves/Mario Reis singing Nilton Bastos' Se voce jurar, we have great Kitsch tenor Vicente Celestino singing Candido das Neves' immortal Noite Cheia de Estrelas. Satan himself, or rather herself does a curious impersonation of Josephine Baker, who by the way is also be seen in the excerpts from the original Madam Satan, directed by Cecil B de Mille in his most extreme, odd mood (the action of 'Madam Satan,' the original 1930 musical, takes place inside a Zeppelin!). May I add that I was at one time introduced to Madam Satan in person. This happened during a Baile dos Enxutos, which was not yet called a 'Gay Ball' then, at the teatro Republica, 1961. He was a discreet, short, middle-aged, short-haired mulatto in his early sixties. I never forgot his quick, perceptive repartee. He wittily remarked about two frolicking guys in my own mardi-gras group (the actor Heleno Prestes and his lover, theatre director Martim Gonçalves): "Bonecas tambem hein?" (sissies too eh?)
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