The Twilight Zone (2002–2003)
Not even close to the original.
15 July 2003
the original twilight zone is one of the greatest shows ever aired. this new version is crap by comparison. i read the synopsis of the episode on one night, and it sounded like one of my favorites from the original series. i watched it and soon realized that it was a shoddy remake. it was predictable, trite, and boring. one of the things i love about the original is that you have to watch it from the begining because the show is so involved. if you miss even the first minute, you get lost, i missed the first 5 minutes of this, and i still knew what was going to happen within the next 5. the original is creative and suspensful, and fun to watch. often it doesn't even show a whole story, but just a glimpse at some outrageous situation. this show tries to show a message and tie the story up in a nice little bow. it's not the worst thing i've ever seen, but it pales in comparison to the original.
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