Eye-popping look at a talented group of young country-western singers ... from Russia!
22 May 2003
I just saw this last night on CMT (Country Music Television) channel. It was a truly eye-opening documentary. It is all about these seven young musicians, all of whom hail from Russia, who came to the United States to try to make it as an American-style country/western band.

It is a wonderful documentary, one that I wish more young people could see. To say that it is "inspirational" is indeed an understatement. Just comprehending how these young Russians so thoroughly mastered the sound and style of American country music (not to mention their ease with the English language) is just plain impressive!!

Even if you don't consider country-western music to be "your bag", the way these kids put their hearts and souls (and obvious great musical talent) into playing it is enough to make you do a double take and then some. You will most likely end up enjoying their music, perhaps even becoming a fan and buying their CD.

Here in the documentary, not only is their music very appealing and entertaining, but the account of their trials and tribulations - of living in America, learning to cope with the country-music recording industry of Nashville, the endless practicing and songwriting, false leads and dismal uncertainties, thoughts of failure and having to return to Russia, even having their Nashville apartment building burn up in a big fire - is really quite compelling viewing.

I was so impressed by the documentary that I am planning on buying their CD - and to tell you the truth, I'm not really even a country/western music fan. But such was the effect on me of this picture, that I want to run out to my local Silver Platters store and buy their CD. Go figure!

So, good luck, Bering Strait. Hope you have continued success in the music industry!
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