Stone Reader (2002)
"Stone" admirer
11 July 2003
I never got around to posting my opinion about STONE READER when I saw it in May. I rated it a 7/10 here, but before long I forgot most of my thoughts.

The movie's still opening around the country, I'm pleased to see. It's in Chicago now, where Roger Ebert gives it ***½, asserting "It is the kind of movie that makes you want to leave the theater and go directly to a book store."

So true. When I got home from the screening I immediately went to eBay to see if any copies of "The Stones of Summer" were floating around. There were, for something like $400. Good thing it's being reissued soon. I did however renew my library card and retrieved from my closet some old paperbacks I haven't read in years.

Ebert's review makes me feel more warmly about STONE READER than I did when I saw it. There were a few problems at the screening which affected my enjoyment, namely cramped seats, muddled sound and an improperly-framed projection (everyone's chins were cut off). I now look forward to seeing it again.
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