Senseless piece of crap
6 January 2004
This is by far the worst movie I've seen in quite some time, and I've seen a lot. Sure, on the surface it combines all you need for a decent horror flick: a herd of brainless teens (including the sexy chick with the wet and ripped T-Shirt), a strange and murderous inbreeding version of the Brady Bunch (including the result of said inbreeding which is usually the insane killer) and the standard horror film environment (including an impenetrable jungle with the house of horror in it in which the usual glass containers with eyes and fingers are loosely scattered). Well, most of these movies have kind of a story, try to be scary or even try to entertain you. This one has nothing. It tries to sell you such a poor excuse for a story it wasn't even funny anymore. It was all senseless hack'n'slay, and since there was no sense of horror, it quickly became boring.

Long story short: a waste of time and money. Avoid unless you are a fan of the hack and slay kind of movie with no need for a story.

Rating 1/10
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