doZe Zone
5 February 2004
100 years ago back in the old country, little Zona watches her older sisters marry and move from home. Eventually, Zona becomes old enough to either leave home to obtain a formal education at a university, or have her father find a husband for her to marry. ZONA ZAMFIROVA tells the story of Zona finding her husband.

As the husband-seeking unfolds, Zona is 17 or 18 years old. However, the actress playing Zona is 23 and looks even older. We are asked to believe that Zona is the most beautiful girl in all the province. Unfortunately, Zona looks slightly more geeky than sexy. Zona looks slightly more nerdy than beautiful. Zona almost always wears bright red, but it only makes her stand out in an unflattering way. Worse, Zona carries herself with the utmost arrogance and snobbery. Zona is from the richest family in the province, and Zona knows it! Zona is the Paris Hilton of her day.

During the first half of the film it seems we viewers are being guided to dislike Zona and wish for her downfall. But ZONA ZAMFIROVA is meant to be a conventional love story, not a character study about a snob failing at love.

We are asked to believe that the guy Zona is chasing, Mane, is the most handsome man in the province. However, Mane looks to be a clone of the nerdy actor who was in that nasal spray commercial all throughout the 1970's. Yes, Mane and Zona appear to be an OK match, but they should go about mating with 100 times less arrogance... Please!

The English subtitles are presented with lots and lots of odd contractions... "The g'rl c'n go to s'hool." Also, a single line of subtitle often displays the speech of two characters without attributing who is saying what. ZONA ZAMFIROVA is not an offense to movie making, but it has very little to offer.
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