Seabiscuit (2003)
COULD OF BEEN GRREEAT !!! I thought the title was "Seabiscuit" ? am I wrong ??.....Read this !
5 August 2003
This movie was Good, BUT it could of been GREAT ! My biggest problem with this film :

1. Wasted too much time explaining the backgrounds of the men and the depression, and nothing about Seabiscuit for the first hour of the movie. 2. Bored the audience using numerous scenes and film time to explain what a great salesman Howard was. 3. Too many unecessary scenes that should of ended up on the cutting room floor. 4. I don't think we needed to go that FAR BACK or that IN DEPTH into each character's life and heartbreak, expect for Red Pollard's.

NOW for what COULD OF MADE this movie GREAT !

1. MORE focus on the rise and fall of RED POLLARD. 2. MORE focus on SEABISCUIT....after all, the movie is named after him, isn't it ? It wasn't called "The Lives of Four Men who struggled their ways out of hardship" which must of been the working title for this film judging from the direction they took. 3. LESS focus on the lives of the men....I mean, did we really have to see what they did day to day ? I think we got the picture in the first five minutes. 4. LESS still shots of the depression....again, we get the picture. 5. A HELL OF A LOT MORE HORSERACING.... 6. MORE INTENSITY IN THE HORSERACING....when the director did get a chance to make up for the boring scenes with the racing action, he completely blew it. Just when the action was starting to make you tingle, he cut too a dining table scene or something boring like ??? Give Seabiscuit his due !!! Was the director a War Admiral fan or something ??

Finally, to Seabiscuit, what an incredible Red Pollard, what incredible determination. This film did not give these two the credit they rightfully deserve. I far more enjoyed the A&E special they did on Seabiscuit, and that was FREE.

The movie was called "Seabiscuit" for a reason. It should of been focused around....guess who ? SEABISCUIT....and it's jockey Red Pollard, that's what this film should of been about. Way 2 much focus on characters that should of stayed in the background.
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