Gravitation (1999–2001)
Watch out! *SPOILER* What makes Gravitation so good!
22 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The main plot of this series is the relationship of two famous people. What makes the story interesting is the fact that they are completely different from each other, except for both being male. Shuichi, the youngest one, is the vocalist of the upcoming band Bad Luck; he is completely emotional and expansive. Yuki, the handsome novelist, loved by many women all around Japan, is cold and a little bit cruel (although there is a sad story that explains his behavior). What we see is how this relationship affects not only the personal life of the two people involved, but also their careers, their friends, their enemies, their families and their fans. It includes advice, arguments, marketing plans, media stalking and even blackmailing. The greatest thing about Gravitation is that it is not always serious. There are a lot of funny situations and characters. It begins on the messy relationship of the two famous guys: they fight so much and Shuichi makes such a big deal of it. He turns his mood really quickly (although his emotions are always exaggerated), depending on how Yuki is treating him. Other funny characters are Ryuichi, Sakano, K and Tatsuha. Ryuichi is the vocalist of the band Nittle Grasper and he is Shuichi's idol. He has two personalities: the serious one (on the stage) and the completely childish and crazy one. Sakano is Bad Luck's producer and he is always freaking out about everything that affects the band, specially the relationship between Shuichi and Yuki. K is the manager of Bad Luck and he always uses his guns (no kidding) to persuade people to do what he wants (in a funny way, of course). Tatsuha is Yuki's youngest brother, from whom he is completely different. He is Ryuichi's biggest fan (together with Shuichi) and he makes anything to get close to his idol. Gravitation has something we almost never see on japanese animation: a corresponded love relationship.
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