I can't believe this is for real!
29 April 2004
Well, how am I to start tearing this movie apart (like it has been by all the film critics in this country)? This movie about a Danish prince Edward (NEVER a royal name in this country!) who falls in love with an American college student not only plays like it was made in some sort of parallel universe (take for instance the scene where the young lady interrupts Edward on a parade through the streets of Copenhagen. NO royal person from this country would EVER do what he does in that scene!!). I would call it a dangerous movie.

Dangerous because it feeds such an unrealistic portrait of this country to the American public. It promotes misunderstanding and division between Europeans and Americans. I shudder with the thought of some American coming to this country, expecting a society like the one depicted in "The Prince and Me". That American would be the subject of serious ridicule.

In short, stay very far away from it! If you want to know more about Denmark, go to the library, get your hands on a Dreyer or a Danish Bille August movie or better yet, go visit the country yourself!
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