Latter Days (2003)
In Response, ...
10 March 2004
I recently saw this film at a Gay/Lesbien film festival with a few gay friends (I am straight). I can not speak to how "tru to the gay lifestyle" it really is, but my friends really enjoyed this film and so did I. We all agreed that this was a mature and wonderful story that was told well and with just the right amounts of romance, laughter, drama and pain. Forget the sexual orientation of the main characters and just watch the film; you will see a really good love story between two completely believable characters. Bravo to director Cox for this great little film. I hope a lot of people see it and (maybe) learn to be a little more open to lifestyles other than there own.

Oh, and in response to on reviewer on this sight (Bill in Lewisville, Tx) who said that this story was not believable because it could never happen because Mormon missionaries have a calling to do their work and would not "turn" gay, all I have to do is refer you, Bill, to the interview that Director Cox gave to on Maarch 10, 2004. Cox WAS a Mormon missionary and he WAS gay and he DID come out, much like Aaron does in the film. Couldn't happen? Try, already did.

Seriously, though, if you get a chance to see this film, please do. Those of you in Utah, please consider renting it when it come out on DVD, since it has been all but effectively banned in your beautioful state.
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