Strip Search (2004 TV Movie)
Eerily prescient
17 May 2004
Just saw this movie last night, and I was quite impressed. At my first opportunity, I did a Google search on it and found this page. Reading through the comments, I wonder how many of those who dismissed the movie and its premise as unadulterated propaganda (albeit prior to the Abu Ghraib scandal coverage) might reconsider given recent revelations of American behavior in violation of the Geneva Convention. Several such comments reflect a belief that the nudity in the film was there purely for titillation. However, in the aftermath of the prison misconduct in Iraq, its pretty clear that this stuff happens. The nudity in the movie hasn't a damned thing to do with desire. Rather the nudity illustrates the degree to which the state can and does dehumanize and terrorize (allusion intended) the individual, confident in its rationale that circumstances warrant such measures. Let me tell you, I find Maggie Gyllenhall crazy, raving hot, but all I felt while watching this movie was revulsion and a keen awareness of my own vulnerability were I in the maw of The State/System.

"48 hours, 7 days, 6 months... as long as it takes...". Chilling, chilling stuff, definitely check it out.
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