New Zealand Idol (2004–2006)
Ah man!
10 May 2004
Oh man,how bad is this show?! I'm watching the finals right now,and after three months of this it has finally dawned on me that this show is not gonna get any better. I think I knew from the beginning that it wasn't gonna be as good at American and Australian Idol,but like the rest of the females in the country I just sucked it in and hoped it would get better. And worst of all,the judges don't conform to the convention of 'roles' of the Idol genre. Fiona is the meanie and Paul is sort of inarticulate. I didn't see anyone who had the charisma to be a great star. Sure some them could sing,but that's about all they had to offer and as we know a good voice is not all you need to make it in the music biz. Ooo,I gotta go-Robin's gonna perform now! I can't believe he got voted out,I honestly thought he was gonna win!

Hakuna Matata- Michael's gonna win! Go Michael!
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