Good documentary about the making of the film...
23 April 2004
I recently picked up "The Usual Suspects" on DVD and got a chance to view this making-of featurette, split into many separate (but linked) mini-documentaries dealing with the process of making the movie - pre-production/concepts, choosing the actors, filming the movie, etc. I liked the interviews with the actors. Some of them act a bit strange (especially Del Toro, as usual, and Pollak) but they still have interesting things to say. I also enjoyed some of the anecdotes they had to tell.

I didn't know that Kevin Spacey signed onto the project long before anyone else and made a huge gamble during the pre-production phase. It also seems strange that he would be credited so far down in the film's list of actors since everyone often refers to Spacey as the guy who really got the project off the ground and was the most famous at the time. Last time I checked he was listed as the fifth actor under the credits. He should at least be second - Gabriel Byrne, Kevin Spacey, Stephen Baldwin, Kevin Pollak, et al.

Anyway...definitely worth a look, and very interesting. I'm surprised that I'm the first person to comment on it.
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