Review of The Terminal

The Terminal (2004)
Terminally bad - the worst film of the finest of directors
1 October 2004
I simply shocked this kind of stuff ever made through the normal challenges of script-committees or approving executives. Unless Spielberg paid this 100% of his pockets, because man, he is off his rockers. 1. Badly mixed genres 2. Frank Caprish idiotic characters 3. credibility less of cartoon 4. complete illogical scenes and plot twists 5. Really really bad acting 6. Awful casting 7. As a product -no audience, no quality, except form of set setting excellence 8. Really bad script and misen-scene direction

Issues of the real-life feel of JFK' the fact that it's set in today's NYC, the misunderstanding of how a foreign would grasp English or would behave, the obscene simplicity of the foreigner (almost "racist" is it's assumptions about the simple-minded idiot (we are the only idiots to have wasted 8 Euros on this "movie"), and then it just tops it when bona fide UMDB users hail this with any word of grace. If it didn't say SP on the director's field, and Hanks wasn't there - this would be the trashed and grinded to pieces to have ever shamed talents like Williams and yes, Spielberg himself. Artistic does not mean allegorically silly, and it is embarrassingly silly. It is SO silly that you won't believe your eyes. I have seen directorial debuts, when a new director lumps in improbable plot and sticks a metaphor in the end. And nicely written ones, as used in The Shawshank Redemption is tolerable with the depth it suggests - but this is just so far far in the air, you just want your money back. Wow. I am so disappointed!
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