For huge fans of Lance Henriksen only
9 October 2004
This is one of those movies that some networks/TV channels buy the rights to for slim to nothing, and then put on when they've got nothing better. Unfortunately, I was not aware of that, when I caught this on TV a few years ago. Actually, I just realized it today, when I watched it for the second time, and was met by the same disappointment. The film has just about everything that a movie is supposed to have... the elements are all there, they just... suck, I believe the appropriate word is. It's got a plot... but it's paper-thin. It's got acting... but it's atrocious. It's got several characters... all of which are clichés and stereotypes. It's got dialog... but it's cringe-worthy for the most part. It's got action... but it's poorly choreographed and even more amateurishly executed. It's got twists... but they are obvious from a mile away. It's even got a good point... but it's told in an overly preachy fashion. All in all, the film just really doesn't have anything to offer... apart from seeing Lance Henriksen in a really bad role, and seeing Nancy Allen in a post-RoboCop trilogy role. Nothing else. The film is laughable in its attempts to entertain, and winds up only being tolerable due to the (obviously unintentional) comic relief, provided by the astounding amount of stereotypes and clichés. I recommend this only to huge fans of Lance Henriksen... and possibly(provided that they do exist) fans of Nancy Allen. 1/10
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