Hamtaro (2000–2006)
Like adding several spoonfuls of sugar to your Pepsi
25 October 2004
Watching Hamtaro is a lot like eating paint chips. It's semi-interesting and even sweet, but before long you realize your brain is turning into a thin, soupy mush.

I used to have a hamster named Sakura and before she met an untimely death a few months after I'd bought her, I think she could have written a better plot than this. Hamtaro is a fuzzy wittle hamster who lives with his owner (named Laura and voiced by Moneca Stori, who turned Kagome from Inuyasha into a giggly moron and killed what was a wonderful anime). Every day when she scampers off to school, he goes to a tiny little clubhouse to play with his fuzzy wittle hamster friends and have all kinds of adorable adventures in their brightly colored world. Egh, I feel dirty just writing about it.

The little vermin are referred to as "ham-hams." It's supposed to be cute, for some reason-personally, I like "hamster" much better. It conjures up pictures of a chubby, fluffy little rodent and not of a pig's dirty end. In an effort to cram more cute down our throats, most of the ham-hams wear clothes and drink tea, though I don't know where they got the fire to make it. They even have wee little teacups! :D :) :l :( :(_ _ X(

Some things about this show are downright disturbing. I'm talking about Boss, the lead hamster, and his perverted lust-er, sorry, "crush" on a pretty little French hamster named Bijou. If Boss were a human, I'd say he'd be in his late 40s to early 50s. Bijou looks and sounds like she's 8. So apparently pedophilia is funny! Tee hee!

No matter what the episode, they all end the same way. Laura writes in her diary with Hamtaro sitting nearby. They both replay the day's events, just in case the viewer gave up on caring and went to go get some danish. Laura closes her diary and says to Hamtaro, with a big, possibly Ritalin induced smile, something along the lines of "That was a great day we had. And I bet tomorrow will be even better!" Maybe, Laura. Or maybe your parents will be hit by a car. Oops, you guessed wrong! Off ya go to live with cruel foster parents.

Then the credits roll and Hamtaro does a mildly suggestive dance, freeing us until the next episode.

I watched this show for a while simply because it actually was sort of cute, especially the hamsters' made up language (consisting of words like "heke?", "kush, kush, kush", and Penelope's "Ookyu!" **** you indeed, you little sweetie!) But even that was taken away. Now the hamsters all have tiny bodies and ugly, bulbous heads instead being pudgy and at least slightly realistic. And there goes any chance of Hamtaro being watchable.

Bottom line: This isn't anime, this is nonsense. Send it back to the fiery, sugary depths it came from. If want to see cute talking rodents, I'll watch Secret of NIMH or maybe Redwall. Give me the intelligence and loyalty of a rat any day.
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