Musical - you sure???
29 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Until this year the Barbie movies could have been seen as both a blessing and a curse for parents of young girls. A blessing as it nearly guarantees 90 minutes peace and quiet during the holiday season. A curse because if the girls in question have a younger brother you may be subjected to that bone chilling phrase of "I wanna watch Barbie" from your "little soldier".

This year the movie has moved into 100% curse. The film is no worse. The animation is no worse (or better for survivors of the first two). There still is NOTHING to make an adult even contemplate watching the film. So why the change???

This year is Barbie's first musical - in it she plays two parts (POSSIBLE SPOILER she plays the princess and the pauper - honestly who would have guessed! SPOILERS END).

For some unknown, unfathomable and probably budget induced reason the two Barbie voices CANNOT sing in harmony together. They sound dreadful, your 90 minutes peace and quiet have turned into waiting for the next song which sounds like somebody dragging their fingernails down a blackboard.

This honestly is the worst film I have been subjected too since my girls grandpa gave them a copy of Pippy Longstocking.

Just buy the toy it'll save you the nagging and the headaches.
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