Review of Birth

Birth (2004)
Turn on the Lights, Please!
14 November 2004
Unless the projector in the movie theater had a defective bulb, I wish this unusual film had a bit more lighting for the interior shots, for they were absurdly under-lit. Yes, we get the message. Dark lighting for dark moods, but come on, this is ridiculous. Okay, that's my only real criticism of the film.

Otherwise, the film was maddenly obscure for most of the running time, which I generally like. And it contained some very brave directorial moves, such as long, steady shots on the actors, with wonderful moody music in the foreground.

As far as the actual story, well, that's another story! The script hangs delicately in balance between absurdity and realism, holding our interest throughout. It eventually offers a psychological reason for being, which works well enough for the actors to work through their angst.

Yes, this review rambles, just like the film. But, overall, I liked it.
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