Grandpa's Magical Toys (1988 Video)
Easily the Lamest Thing. Ever.
21 November 2004
Let me preface this by saying my little sister used to watch this...this...thing. Constantly. And, it is by far the most annoying, obnoxious video of all time. If you think I am being theatrical or going overboard, watch it. Then watch it again. You've now watched it twice, approximately .2% of the number of times that I've seen it.

It is horrible in the tradition of Barney, yet the children are more frightening in their gleefulness. And who's the costume director for this? If I would have worn electric red Ked's to match my red polo shirt, I would have had my ass kicked on the playground in two seconds flat. They (the children) are also the smug, smarmy happy types who grow up to become like that annoying guy waiter in Office Space.

What is my point? Only to attempt to spare the siblings of any children that you are considering buying this for. To the point that I would threaten to run a kitchen magnet over my sister's tape if not faced with the consequences imposed by my parents. My plan finally settled on putting the tracking out of whack on the VCR when she'd watch it and then tell my parents she must have worn the tape out after once she began screaming. Thank God for technically unsophisticated parents, but be forewarned if you are a sibling in today's world, your parents most likely bought it on DVD and you're probably screwed.
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