Greg the Bunny (2002–2004)
Either you get it or you don't... but give it a chance!
24 November 2004
This show is a gem. It is a satire through the eyes of puppets. The social commentaries within this show are dead on. Some of the humor is low brow, but then what isn't these days? RENT THE DVD!!! Better yet... BUY IT!!! It worked with Family Guy... it's back on the air!!! If you listen to the commentary, Seth Green and all the other actors explain that they would love to do the show again. If the sales go high enough, maybe it will happen. Seth is back at the network with Family Guy and a 30+ episode run, so why not?

Or not... but don't let one bad review (above- below or wereever they'll put it) discourage you.


"Crayons taste purple!!!"
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