Practically a remake of director's last movie.
20 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Possible SPOILER follows, depending on how strictly you define it, but I thought I'd protect myself, and you.

A German immigrant photographer living in Las Vegas kills women with complete abandon, all the while his girlfriend hasn't a clue that this guy is warped, demented, sadistic, and just plain scary. Her daughter can tell easily because he's mean and spooky to her right in front of the mother. Strange how she never considers this guy a must-dump.

I didn't see the director's last movie, Nutbag (2000), but from what I've read it sounds very similar to this one. A serial killer stalks prostitutes and innocent women in Las Vegas and kills them in torturous and demented ways. On that level, Murder-Set-Pieces could be considered a remake, or maybe a re-tooling.

Usually, slasher movies and horror movies are meant to make you jump at sudden action, twist in your chair at suspense, or laugh outright at dumb victims killed quickly before they can deliver more stupid dialog. This movie has none of that. You're more likely to cringe at witnessing grotesque torture and gratuitous bloodletting over and over again without purpose. At first glance, this sounds like a horror movie enthusiast's next rental, but those who watch this will find little in common with any of their favorite films. It's more like being forced to watch one gratuitous torture-death scene after another, after another, after another, until you just want to stop the tape and turn on Jay Leno. Not great, just gross for it's own sake.
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