As good as the budget would allow?
12 December 2004
If you've seen the first Starship Troopers, you'll know what a surprising gem it is... Big budget, lots of CG, plenty of doomed extras...

However, all these things are absent in the sequel. Instead of the stylish, 'army movie in space' epic, complete with recruiting propaganda, the sequel has been dialed down for what is nothing more than an extended episode of 'The Outer Limits'. To say that this is simply bad is unfair. As a straight-to-video, lower-budget sequel, you pretty much get what you paid for. (Unfortunately, the first movie set such high expectations.)

The standard issues arise: a 'blah' story, a few weak acting performances, and the lack of style that was captured in the first film. All these combine to make it hard to watch. Also, I found the shaky hand-held VIDEO effect annoying. Now, this may have been done as a point of style, but it didn't really work.

All in all, although there may have been a couple 'cool' moments in this movie, it doesn't save a weak attempt to add to the original movie. Not the worst I've ever seen, but definitely can't be recommended. 3 out of 10.
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