Anti 'Potter' Magic
20 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers

I have never been one for Harry Potter, always finding it very timid and not too exciting. The Lemony Snicket books have been favourites of mine since their publication and I was overjoyed when I learnt they were making a movie based on them and it would be released in the season once dominated by the Boy Wizard. 'Snicket' is a tough film to get into, as it seems to be the antithesis to the sugary, lighthearted early Potter films (more characters die in this movie, the first in a proposed series, than in the first 3 Potters)-this may be a turn off to younger children. But older kids and adults should find it a breath of fresh air that something like this has been made, and made so well. The production design and costuming are stunning, as are the performances of both the child actors are spot-on and you really feel for them. (the twins and Man on Fire's Dakota Fanning have convinced me that not all movie kids are annoying and really dumb) Good use is made of Carrey, playing a villain who is a very vain and bad actor (possibly taking a dig at his critics) Jim is obviously enjoying himself and chews up the scenery with aplomb. However, judging from the reviews and early box office, Snicket is a shock to the system and many people don't seem to understand it. If you pardon the pun, perhaps 'Lemony' is a bitter pill? My rating-9/10
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