Good Day Live (2001–2005)
Gone From Bad To Worse
28 December 2004
I used to watch 'Good Day Live' when it first premiered on television, but after watching for about 2 weeks I couldn't watch a whole show anymore. Dorothy Lucey's voice was just too hoarse to listen to, Jillian Barberie's unnecessary questions to guests and dumb comments were too much to listen to, and Steve was the only bright spot of the show whenever he got the chance to get a word in. Now they have Debbie Matenblahblahblah and Arthel Neville. Debbie tries so hard to be funny it isn't funny at all. Arthel Neville comes off as a snobby, know-it-all who couldn't be funny if she tried and I think she has tried on a few occasions. Steve continues to be the only bright spot. Unfortunately, I hope this show is canceled.
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