Jules and Jim (1962)
Good in parts but generally over long, dreary and unengaging.
5 January 2005
In the early 1900's two men meet, Jules an Austrian (Oscar Werner), and Jim a Frenchman (Henri Serre). As their friendship grows they indulge in more and more womanising, nearly always sharing their lovers. However, when Catherine comes into their life things change and Jules marries her, nevertheless, a few years later she starts to fall for Jim. Thus develops a bizarre love triangle which seems set to lead to a dramatic ending.

I'm a fan of many Truffaut films, 'The 400 Blows' being one of my favourite ever films, but I found this tedious, uninteresting and I was unable to emotionally engage with any of the characters. Technically it was very good and I realize that his style has influenced the finest directors of the contemporary cinema which we enjoy today.

However, in terms of story and the ability to allow me to empathize with characters it faltered. As the film went on I become more and more uninterested and even less enthusiastic for the film form and techniques Truffaut had crafted.

Perhaps this film is like Marmite, (or so the advertisers would have us believe), you either love it or hate it. For me it hardly sustained my interest and although I don't hate it the story failed to engage me whatsoever.
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