White Noise (I) (2005)
Muddled, with heavily telegraphed "jump" scares -- rather tedious!
7 January 2005
Too bad some nice sound design, visuals and editing were wasted on this rather pedestrian horror film which borrows heavily from the most successful horror films of the last few years.

This yawner features big plot holes, many loose ends, and police who seem oddly uninterested in a fellow who keeps turning up around peculiar incidents...

And however much someone may like Michael Keaton, it is difficult to watch endless scenes of him squinting in concentration. I could hear the director saying, "OK, now -- listen *really* hard, Michael!"

As for how the movie deals with the "real" phenomenon of EVP -- Hollywood, pure Hollywood (and not the good side of Hollywood).

Even if you park your reasoning faculties at the door, this one isn't good for much except for a few (heavily-telegraphed) starts.
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