Waterworld (1995)
Not the unmitigated disaster it's made out to be, but still pretty awful
9 January 2005
The four saddest words in the English language are "what might have been", and Waterworld certainly fits into this template: an interesting premise hampered by terrible direction, a script so full of dud one-liners it makes your average adult film sound like Shakespeare, and acting (with the possible exception of Costner) that is cringeworthy in the extreme. The stunt sequences are simply too boring to even care about, and while Costner is one of the biggest movie stars of the past two decades, action man he ain't.

Inexplicably, the direction team seems to have given Dennis Hopper a carte blanche to shamelessly overact whenever possible. While this style was disarmingly effective in some of his earlier movies (such as Blue Velvet), he is just laughable here: producing an array of facial contortions complete with the frequent eye-bulging symptomatic of a drug addict. If this is supposed to be the point, it fails miserably, as Hopper's maniacal laughter and irrational gesturing made me want to personally set fire to his union membership forms. Costner is far more restrained (some have argued that Costner is never anything OTHER than restrained) as the mysterious boatman with the novelty earring, and he is somewhat believable in his role without ever really getting under the skin (gills?) of his character. The real problem lies in the the performance of Jeanne Tripplehorn, as the the maternal survivor of Hopper's plot to destroy their floating communal home. Quite simply, Tripplehorn is disastrous, on a par with Madonna in Swept Away and your choice of Affleck or Lopez in Gigli. I'm trying to think of terrible performances, and ultimately Tripplehorn shares the award with Elizabeth Hurley in Bedazzled. Suffice to say, she's not up to much.

The romantic moments (usually a reliable facet of typical Costner films) have little or no chemistry due to the detailing of Costner's character as an emotionless iceman. But to be fair to him, I wouldn't have any romantic inclinations towards Jeanne Tripplehorn either.

That said, Waterworld has its moments. The occasional action piece is well constructed, and the conclusion (whilst a sentimental cop out) is satisfactory.

Overall, though, this is a blot on the careers of all involved.

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