The word "stinker" defines this movie very well
29 January 2005
Slappy and the stinkers is a children's movie that was released in the theaters, but is more of a made for TV quality film. The jokes are really juvenile and the style of the movie gives it a really cheesy effect, and no that isn't a positive thing.

I know this is just a movie, but the story is very unrealistic. If you ever find this movie in a store like Wal-Mart, you'll find it in a bin full of crappy discount movies on VHS. Bronson Pinchot does a good job with what he has to work with anyhow. Some of the child actors are okay, in fact, a couple have done more acting in Nickelodeon shows.

As I stated above, the quality is bad, though some of the acting is decent, and however they trained the sea lion is pretty impressive though. I think this movie does a good job at defining a message. That message is stay away from the discount bin and watch something much better.
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