Thought Provoking...Great Acting.
13 February 2005
After reading several reviews on this film I thought I would add my twenty cents. The fact that I saw it several times, and there's still some mystery in it, still some ambiguity as to the possible meanings to all of the things that go on with John Davis, is what I find most compelling.

It's not a film like 'Pi' where all of the pieces fall into place at just the right time and you know exactly where you stand. It's something rather that is left to the intelligence and imagination of the viewer. Was he really married...did he have kids? Did his partner really commit suicide? Did God, or an Angel...kill the FBI Agent? The ambiance is perfect. The acting is great, the dialogue is outstanding. The Bahamian 'Big Smile,' talking to John about his rebirth still moves me to this date and the two simple words suddenly spoken to a disbelieving John from some unseen source while in the Beach scene still mesmerizes me like no other movie can.

Also there is a perplexing and scary scene in the middle where John witnesses his family's death (a missile shoots down the family Jet), then suddenly evil, ghostly demons express their joy over the catastrophe. There is a lot of haunting blue hues in most of the shots. I would like to see a better quality DVD put out for this one, but I'll take what I can get with this theory.

See this movie then see it again and then see it after you change your thinking about life and religion. Don't over-analyze it and don't worry if some of it doesn't make sense, after all it's not all supposed to change your thinking...but instead, challenge your beliefs.
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