Well-constructed and informative documentary
15 February 2005
"Celsius 41.11" succeeded as documentary where Michael Moore's film "F. 9-11" had failed.

The work sought opinions, sources, and archive footage to demonstrate conclusively that Bush did not steal the election in Florida, that he did not know about the plan to attack the World Trade Center before it actually occurred, nor did he defraud the United States into entering an unnecessary conflict against Iraq.

This film had the advantage of being able to respond to "F. 9-11", refuting the baseless charge that blacks were excluded from the voting rolls in Florida. According to "C. 41.11", for example, five major newspapers could find no evidence of voter irregularities.

Moreover, the film presented its information in an orderly manner. Early in the film the narrator challenges six common accusations against President Bush, 9-11, the 2000 Presidential Election, and the second Iraqi war. I really enjoyed this film because it entertained and educated the audience, while Michael Moore's documentary "F. 9-11" merely distracted its viewers with entertaining contradictions.

"C 41.11" has another edge over films because of its well-reasoned, coherent, and diverse arguments from people like Charles Krauthammer, Fred Thompson, and Michael Medved, all of whom trump the flashy rhetoric of Michael Moore.

On another note, one critic lamented the pro-Zionist lean of somethe interviewees (Krauthammer, Medved). In my opinion, that short-sighted reaction demonstrates all the more the need to appreciate subtle and ignored issues in U.S. foreign policy , like the critical role Israel plays in promoting democracy in the Middle East, instead of diminishing the impact of this documentary as a petty advocate of one minority group.

For those who did not have a chance to hear the other side, "C. 41.11" provides an excellent opportunity .
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